Course insights

Understanding the course user journey

Watch the video below for guidance on this dashboard!

Average baseline accuracy

This chart shows the average percentage of correct answers users provide on baseline quiz questions. Baseline quiz questions are shown to a user only before they are exposed to your lesson content. Every quiz question associated with your lesson that the user answers after their exposure counts as an endline quiz answer. The N is equal to the total number of baseline quiz questions answered across all users.

You can use this figure to assess the knowledge of your users before they have been exposed to the content in your course.

Average endline accuracy

This chart shows the average percentage of correct answers users provide on endline quiz questions. Endline quiz questions are shown to a user only after they are exposed to your lesson content. The N is equal to the total number of endline quiz questions answered across all users.

You can use this figure to assess the knowledge of your users after they have been exposed to the content in your course.

Average change in learning outcome

The average change in learning outcome calculates the percentage difference between the average baseline accuracy and the average endline accuracy. The N is equal to the total number of learners against which this figure is assessed.

You can use this figure to assess the knowledge outcome improvement or deterioration for your learners.

No. users started the course

This figure shows you the number of users who have started your course within the time period.

No. users obtained the certificate

This figure shows you the number of users who have completed the course and received the final certificate.


This figure shows the percentage of users who have gotten a certificate relative to those who have started the course. Note, this figure may vary if you change the timeframe of analysis. It's generally advisable to use the 'all time' filter when assessing this figure.

Course user journey

This view shows a breakdown of the number of users at each stage of progress through your course. You can quickly understand how the overall base of users is progressing through the course by understanding what milestones they have reached.

For every course we automatically breakdown user progress into the follwing:

  • course started - logged if a user has started the course
  • course progress 25 - logged if a user gets 25% the way through the course
  • course progress 50 - logged if a user gets 50% the way through the course
  • course progress 75 - logged if a user gets 75% the way through the course
  • course complete - logged if a user gets 100% of the way through the course
  • certificate complete - logged if the user received the certificate (which they may need achieve a certain score for)

Course user table

The basic course user table shows a breakdown for each user, showing their course accuracy score and progress through the course.

You can access extra columns by clicking the "Columns" text on the course table view. When you click a checkbox for a given column it will be shown in the table view.

It's worth reviewing some of the key fields available in the course user table

  • User Score (%) - this shows the score that the lerner will see on their course. This score is the avarge across the best set of scores the user has achieved on final quizzes for each lesson (which they can retake)
  • Endline accuracy (%) - this is the number of correct endline quiz questions divided by the total number of endline quiz questions for a given user
  • Endline Answers (Correct) - the total number of endline quiz questions a user has correctly answered for a course
  • Endline Answers (Total) - the total number of endline quiz questions a user has answered for a course (correct or incorrect)
  • Baseline accuracy (%) - this is the number of correct baseline quiz questions divided by the total number of baseline quiz questions for a given user
  • Baseline Answers (Correct) - the total number of baseline quiz questions a user has correctly answered for a course
  • Baseline Answers (Total) - the total number of baseline quiz questions a user has answered for a course (correct or incorrect)

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